The film acknowledges the extraordinary courage of both the parents and their children in their willingness to fight the traditions and taboos of the society.
A new documentary by Red FM, that premiered on August 5th on Youtube, brings forth the struggles and difficulties faced by the transgender community of Kashmir
It is advisable for parents to understand children better and create an environment at home that gives them courage and liberty to express themselves as who they are.
Axis Bank, in line with its ‘DilSeOpen’ philosophy announced #ComeAsYouAre, a charter of policies and practices for their employees and customers from the LGBTQIA+ community.
जब किसी ऐसे शख़्स के बारे में कोई ड्रामे बनाया जाए जिसने किसी दूसरे मर्द से मुहब्बत करने का ख़ुद अपनी आपबीती में ज़िक्र किया हो और उस ड्रामें में उसकी इस मुहब्बत को नकारा जाए तो साफ़ ज़ाहिर होता है कि बनानेवाले का इरादा जान-बूझकर उसकी इस फ़ितरत को छुपाने का है