GALVA – A Space for Spiritual Gay Hindus

GALVA, or Gay & Lesbian Vaishnava Association, is a nonprofit religious organization offering positive information and support to Gay and Lesbian Vaishnavas and Hindus, their friends, and other interested persons

काकी – एक कहानी

'काकी', तस्वीर: बेनी सैम मैथ्यू , सौजन्य: QGraphy प्रदीप ग्रामीण क्षेत्र अधिकारी में था। चूंकि उसकी यह प्रथम पदस्थापना थी, और वह शहरी क्षेत्र से था, इसलिये वह... Read More...


Homophobic jokes have become a part of everybody’s lives, because people end up using them consciously or unconsciously, because society questions the sexuality of someone who opposes such demeaning things, because ‘gay’, ‘homo’ and ‘hijra’ are used as derogatory terms.
beach, date

Story : The Trip (Part 1)

Looking at the mirror he looked at his gentle face worn out with time and the upheavals of life. This is the first time in his life after coming out as gay that he had found somebody who seemed willing to reciprocate his feelings.

विश्वविद्यालय में ट्रांसजेंडर होना

जब से मैंने होश सम्भाला तब से मैं अपनी असली पहचान की खोज में बटकता रहा। जीवन में ऐसे कई मोड़ आये जब कुछ समझ नहीं आता था कि मेरी असली पहचान क्या है। लेकिन मैंने... Read More...