"आधा इश्क़": भाग १०/१०; तस्वीर: निखिल लोंढे, सौजन्य: QGraphy

‘आधा इश्क़’ – एक कहानी (भाग १०/१०)

शृंखलाबद्ध कहानी 'आधा इश्क' की पहली नौ किश्तें यहाँ पढ़ें: भाग १| भाग २ | भाग ३ | भाग ४ | भाग ५ | भाग ६ | भाग ७ | भाग ८ | भाग ९| प्रस्तुत है इस कथा का दसवां ... Read More...
"आधा इश्क": भाग ९/१०; तस्वीर सौजन्य: QGraphy

‘आधा इश्क़’ – एक कहानी (भाग ९/१०)

शृंखलाबद्ध कहानी 'आधा इश्क' की पहली आठ किश्तें यहाँ पढ़ें: भाग १| भाग २ | भाग ३ | भाग ४ | भाग ५ | भाग ६ | भाग ७ | भाग ८ | प्रस्तुत है इस कथा का नौवां भाग:... Read More...
devdutt pattanaik, illustration

The Real Ramrajya

While Ram includes hijras into his Ayodhya, does the republic of India? Hijras see themselves as a third gender, but do their passports say so? Why do we want to force them into one gender or another?
man, bench, idle,

Judge Me If You Can!

'Who am I to judge you!’ is a fairly common line used by the supporters of LGBTQIA+ rights. There is something inherently wrong in these utterances.