जब से मैंने होश सम्भाला तब से मैं अपनी असली पहचान की खोज में बटकता रहा। जीवन में ऐसे कई मोड़ आये जब कुछ समझ नहीं आता था कि मेरी असली पहचान क्या है। लेकिन मैंने... Read More...
I am a huge fan of comics - the art of telling short funny stories through cartoon drawings in small panels. AND I am gay !! Which means I totally love gay com... Read More...
A new set of videos by 101 India is capturing the life and experiences of a whole spectrum of LGBTQ people. The videos, most of which are between five and six minutes long, cover the life stories, struggles, negotiations and triumph of queer individuals.
According to a new draft of the Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, forcing a transgender person to leave the house/village/place of residence will be treated as an atrocity and violence against them
By juxtaposing personal stories with critical analysis of issues by activists & advocates; the film offers a compelling inside view of Indian LBT lives.
Why does the director feel that she has a right to make herself the voice of this community and take away our agency? Which hijra house has a bai-ji covered with diamonds and pearls like she’s stuck in some kind of mughal-e-azam?