RAQS (Resistive Alliance for Queer Solidarity) organized its first event on 24 March, 2017 in Svaraj Vidyapeeth, Allahabad on ‘Alternative Gender and Sexual Identity’
A curated – by no means exhaustive – list of books you can read to deepen your understanding of same-sex sexuality in India and sexuality studies in general.
There are degrees of bisexuality - we are not half-gay or half straight. Degrees can vary from lusting after the same-sex while being emotionally involved with the opposite sex or vice versa, to lusting and being emotionally involved after the same and the opposite sex
Life for me was running smoothly, as I grew up from a teenage boy to a young man bristling with energy. I did not think there was anything amiss or different ab... Read More...
We have to address the binary construction of dominant heterosexuality with all its institutions and the ways it has inscribed itself in our psyches. There is a bigger Law at play and that is the law of the psyche.