Safar with Pride is a groundbreaking Desi Queer Learning Hub aimed at fostering unity, understanding, and acceptance within the South Asian LGBTQ+ community.
French film ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ about a gender-queer stock-market trader is the Opening Film, and American film ‘Mutt’ about a trans-masculine person is the Closing Film
इस लेख का उद्देश्य समलैंगिकता की पेचीदगियों का पता लगाना, इससे जुड़े आम मिथकों को दूर करना और एलजीबीटीक्यूआईए+ व्यक्तियों के लिए अधिक समावेशिता और सम्मान की वकालत करना है।
of unknown and varied threads am Isome gather made was I of maliceothers declare, curiositythe gods themselves are bewildered and surprisedbarring those who sm... Read More...
On 6th September 2018, after a long fought legal battle, the Supreme Court of India read down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code that criminalized homosexual... Read More...
This landmark order recognizes the marriage rights of individuals based on their gender identity and sexual orientation, calling for necessary amendments to the provisions related to marriage and registered marriages within the current Civil Code, 2074.