Delhi celebrated the 12th Queer Pride Parade on November 24th, along with Bengaluru. The pride this year was the largest, with tens of thousands of people walking the streets of Delhi from Barakhambha Road to Jantar Mantar via Tolstoy Marg
The 12th Namma Pride march which took place on 24 November, Sunday, primarily focused on commemorating activists and pioneers of the queer moment in Bengaluru
Why do NGOs/Trusts want to brand the Pride with the name of their organizations? Is the pride walk about individuals from a particular NGO/Trust who want to feel honored or credited for being the hosts of the pride?
The 3rd Awadh Queer Pride March was held in Lucknow on 10th February 2019. Over 100 people marched from Dainik Jagran chawraha to GPO, Lucknow, UP. The pride w... Read More...
I have already decided the clothes I am going to wear at the Guwahati pride- blue jeans and black tee. What? I still am going to hold a strong poster! Being me... Read More...
Over 7,000 participants from across the country and world marched alongside the rainbow flag, chanting slogans to repeal section 377, fighting for transgender rights and dancing with pride to the rhythmic drumbeats
Queer pride parades happen all over the world, but what was unique about this was the coming together of people from many other spheres; the Dalits, the Adivasis, women, and persons with disability, among other groups
The 5th Kerala Queer Pride March 2014 is slated to be held this year on July 26th at Kochi. The Pride March moves to Kochi for the first time, the earlier f... Read More...