
'कल रात' - एक कविता , छाया: आकाश मंडल, सौजन्य: QGraphy

‘कल रात’ (एक कविता)

वह थी हकीक़त या ख़्वाब जो देखा था कल रात को सुबह उठकर न भूली मैं तो उस बीती बात को सदियों से जैसे बिछड़े वैसे हम दोनों मिले थे और गुज़ारे चाँद लम्हें जैसे वह... Read More...

How To Find THE ONE

If most gay men want love, then why aren’t more gay relationships happening around us? In the time and age of online dating apps why is it so hard for gay men to find love?


I have never been to pride parades or meetings, seminars or talks that LGBT organisations hold. But I have made sure in my small universe that people I meet and interact get to know my true self.

The New Homophobia

Gay people become acceptable only when there is no shimmer of a suspicion that there’s anything going on between the same sexes in bed