The ninth edition of Reel Desires: Chennai International Queer Film Festival is being held online over two weekends – Dec 4-5 and 11-12 of December 2021.... Read More...
It is advisable for parents to understand children better and create an environment at home that gives them courage and liberty to express themselves as who they are.
Axis Bank, in line with its ‘DilSeOpen’ philosophy announced #ComeAsYouAre, a charter of policies and practices for their employees and customers from the LGBTQIA+ community.
Sexual fluidity is a concept that sexual attraction is less about who you are attracted to overall and more about who you are attracted to at a given time.
Role models allow members of a workforce to identify with a company on a deeper level and help workers visualize themselves in leadership positions, which motivates them to try to achieve the same success
Queer Made, launched to celebrate Pride beyond the month gone by, is a space dedicated to celebrating, supporting, and amplifying businesses and products made, owned and/or run by India’s LGBTQIA+ community.
“A 48-hour global livestream arts & culture festival with over 200 participants with the goal of raising important funds to benefit queer outreach and support organizations in countries that target LGBTQI+ people for persecution
During the month of July, the Vimeo channel of Instituto Cervantes, in collaboration with the film distributor Marvin & Wayne and Gaylaxy, will host eight different stories by eight filmmakers