Despite this onslaught of high-voltage atrocity and the continual thumping of nationalist chests, complaints have poured in that by talking about the various kinds of hate, crimes and oppressions – one is derailing pride and a fight for queer issues
Organized by The Delhi Queer Pride Committee, a voluntary collective supported only by community funds, the Delhi Queer Pride March brings together members and supporters of the queer community.
I wish I could be as colour blind; I guess life will be easier. But I do not have that privilege, my brown self follows me, clings to me, like the aroma of my Bengali cooking does to my winter coat. So it is not possible for me to talk about my gender and gender presentation without talking about my race.
What is truly disgusting and shocking is the ‘queer community’s’ silence in the face of these attacks on some of its only radical and worthwhile members like Koonal Duggal and Moses Tulasi.
Even when the queer acknowledges their own caste, it is to make it caste-neutral. Upper caste individuals tell us again and again as to why are we unnecessarily bothering the people around us by ‘bringing in caste’.
There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle, because we do not live single-issue lives. People’s movements are run by collective of individuals who come with multiple identities and multiple issues.