Safar with Pride is a groundbreaking Desi Queer Learning Hub aimed at fostering unity, understanding, and acceptance within the South Asian LGBTQ+ community.
Three years ago when Radhika, Rumi and Sunil started working on Freedom Mahal, what started out originally as a research project, also began exploring the poss... Read More...
I have already decided the clothes I am going to wear at the Guwahati pride- blue jeans and black tee. What? I still am going to hold a strong poster! Being me... Read More...
There have been innumerable number of people who have been by my side through my ally journey, educated me at each step, guided me and more than anything been friends.
It is not casteist to write in my Grindr profile "Gujjar Top". I have not asked for any reservation based on my caste here. I even have Gujjar written on my Fortuner. What is casteist about that?
TMOUH is primarily a story of margins and marginalized; the ones who are ‘misfit’ for the soceity, the dunya as Anjum rightly called it, where hegemonic majoritarian politics make identities like being Queer, Woman, Dalit, Adivasi, Muslim, Kashmiri, Drug Addict, Syrian Christian, Poor and Uneducated the easy target of unbridled and insatiable hatred.
Here I am, a black gay man, who is an immigrant living with HIV. How many more labels do I have to navigate in my life? How do I cope with the challenges that comes with being all this in one person?