
तस्वीर: ग्लेन हेडन

सेनगुप्ता अंकल (एक श्रद्धांजलि)

तस्वीर: क्लेसटिन डीकॉस्टा; सौजन्य: QGraphy आज सेनगुप्ता अंकल गुज़र गए। सेनगुप्ता अंकल मेरे पड़ोसी हैं। १९७२ में जब हमारी बिल्डिंग बनी थी, मेरे माता-पिता और सेनग... Read More...
Narendra Modi

Indian Leaders Are Shocked by Orlando Shooting, But Not by Homophobia

Indian leaders were shocked at the killings, true, but what is also true is that they were not shocked by the underlying homophobia. By completely erasing the mention of LGBT people in their statements and refusing to condemn the homophobia behind the massacre, they have proven that they will remain blind to the plight of LGBTs in India and world over