इस लेख का उद्देश्य समलैंगिकता की पेचीदगियों का पता लगाना, इससे जुड़े आम मिथकों को दूर करना और एलजीबीटीक्यूआईए+ व्यक्तियों के लिए अधिक समावेशिता और सम्मान की वकालत करना है।
1117 civil society organisations from 134 States and Territories delivered a joint global statement calling for the renewal of the mandate of the UN Independent Expert on violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI)
Intersex individuals are indubitably non-cisgender human beings. Any and all non-cisgender persons deserve to be under the proud shade of the rainbow umbrella
The desire of a queer person to be loved and have a family is well portrayed in the film. Kaushik Ganguly brings another magnanimous art for cinegoers, almost like a reality in motion.
A trans man narrates what how it feels growing up in a world that forces you to behave and dress like a girl, and refuses to acknowledge your gender identity
I used to get violently bullied, groped by male seniors in hostel and senior day scholars who would often physically harm and sexually violate, denude, rape and coercively penetrate me in the pretext of ragging