The story follows a black queer couple as they tread the rocky waters of a possible break up during a lapse in communication over the course of their six-year relationship.
The Allahabad High Court has ordered the Commandant General of Home Guards, Head Quarters, U.P. Lucknow to take back a person who had been dismissed from service on account of his sexual orientation.
As she understood more about LGBT things, she was aghast to know how some parents treated their queer child. She decided she had to do something to change things.
Two new petitions have been filed before the Delhi High Court by a lesbian and a gay couple, seeking recognition of their relationship under the Special Marriage Act and the Foreign Marriage Act respectively.
ILGA World’s Youth Committee Chair appointed to the 2020 class of 17 Young Leaders for the SDG, an initiative by the UN Envoy on Youth, and also to the High-Level Commission on the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Follow-up