From West Hollywood and San Francisco to the bustling city of Portland, here’s a closer look at just three of the many LGBT-friendly places to visit on the West Coast.
The film succeeds in addressing multiple issues like the plight of immigrants, transculturalism, intergenerational bonding, sexual fluidity and homophobia; giving equal space to all the issues
It is advisable for parents to understand children better and create an environment at home that gives them courage and liberty to express themselves as who they are.
Axis Bank, in line with its ‘DilSeOpen’ philosophy announced #ComeAsYouAre, a charter of policies and practices for their employees and customers from the LGBTQIA+ community.
जब किसी ऐसे शख़्स के बारे में कोई ड्रामे बनाया जाए जिसने किसी दूसरे मर्द से मुहब्बत करने का ख़ुद अपनी आपबीती में ज़िक्र किया हो और उस ड्रामें में उसकी इस मुहब्बत को नकारा जाए तो साफ़ ज़ाहिर होता है कि बनानेवाले का इरादा जान-बूझकर उसकी इस फ़ितरत को छुपाने का है