Kolkata pride demanded a world with equal rights, not just to queer people, but to whoever the society has done an unjustice to, including people with disabilities
It has been one and half years since my wedding, and I have been dying every day ever since. I saved my family’s reputation and prestige but couldn’t save my own happiness.
Oppression also inspires art. So does a failing media. Loneliness can do the same. Dreaming of a better world can also move one to use art as a form of expression.
Award winning filmmaker and activist Sridhar Rangayan has turned to crowdfunding to support his next film ‘Evening Shadows (Surmaee Shaam)’ about parental acceptance of children.
Director Sushanshu Saria's cinematic debut "Loev" won many accolades and hearts at the JIO MAMI 18th Mumbai Film Festival concluding today. Gaylaxy Magazine cau... Read More...
Gaylaxy shot a small video with the current Mr. Gay World India 2016 Anwesh Sahoo, where he talks about how he was bullied as a child, how he came out to his friends and family, and how their reactions have changed over time
Life for me was running smoothly, as I grew up from a teenage boy to a young man bristling with energy. I did not think there was anything amiss or different ab... Read More...
At 24, sex is undefined and can be with anyone and everyone and need not be confined to a relationship. But at 42, an age when wet dreams are hard to come by; more time is spent trying to define every relationship and giving it the appropriate respect or burial.