
'उन्होंने कुछ नहीं कहा' - एक कविता | तस्वीर: सेंतिल वासन | सौजन्य: क्यूग्राफी |

“उन्होंने कुछ नहीं कहा” – स्वगत कथन

प्रस्तुत है इस स्वगत-कथन की उत्तर-कृति: वह चुपचाप होने वाली बातें जो होकर रह गयी हैं: वक़्त के तले में अब भी चिपकी हुई हैं। वो कुछ न कह सके हम कुछ न कह सके; कभी... Read More...
hands pills

Short Story: The Blue Pills

In the restroom, he looked at himself in the mirror and felt a stab of pity. "How will I fake through this my entire life," he thought panic-stricken.

Why Closeted Gay Men Choose to be Single

Although closeted men are comparatively comfortable being in the closet, relationship with a closeted guy isn't easy. Hence, most of them end up staying single, or with "friends" whom they meet occasionally for sex.