Drool Worthy Rugged Ruffian Booty I Say
I would seriously want to go ‘rawrrrr’ and ‘raunchy’ each time this dude appears on the idiot box or at some red carp... Read More...
Supported by city's Mayor, a fringe muslim group called Millat Bedari Muhim Committe (MBMC) has been able to halt the screening of the movie in Aligarh City.
Aligarh is not just the story of Prof. Siras, it is the story of thousand of LGBTs who have to face discrimination, extortion and live under threats. It is the story of fear under which LGBTs live in this country.
Bangalore Queer Film Festival 2016 is being held at two venues this year, and will be spread over 4 days from 25th Feb to 29th Feb. The festival will also have queer cultural performances, photo exhibitions, art exhibitions and book launches
Pride March is an expression, a voice, a celebration and a platform to ask for equal rights of individuals conducted in form of an annual parade in India
Aligarh is Hansal Mehta's upcoming movie and releases on Feb 26th. The movie is based on the real life story of Aligarh Muslim University's Professor Ramachandr... Read More...