The much acclaimed and award winning drama film, ‘The Pink Mirror’ (Gulabi Aaina), the first Indian film to comprehensively focus on transsexuals in India, is n... Read More...
Bob Dylan, Tracy Chapman, Mercedes Sosa..the list of musicians who kindled hope and inspiration in the hearts of people with their music, to fight against injus... Read More...
Bihar Government, along with The Anad Foundation, Delhi, organised a cultural programme on 5th January at SK Memorial Hall, Patna, where it invited transgender groups from Patna and Punjab as well.
Queer Potli is a collection of 12 articles. Each article presents a very different view of such spaces which exist all around us. Spaces like private facilitations, NGO walk-in centres, even private spaces such as family and home along with public and cultural spaces, and how these spaces provide and lack safety for every queer person.
Madhuri Sarode, a transgender woman from Mumbai, got married to her partner of 2 years in a Hindu wedding ceremony held on Dec 28th in a temple in Santa Cruz, Mumbai
Gaylaxy is running a pride selfie contest till Jan 5th, where all you have to do is to follow the instagram account of Gaylaxy and send us your selfie taken at a pride parade in Indian in 2016.