This adorable movie is about a closeted boy who runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.
I believe that one day in the not too distant future, because of the strength and solidarity of our younger generations, we will be able to amend this anachronistic law-- it is not a question of “if” as much as “when”.
It is not casteist to write in my Grindr profile "Gujjar Top". I have not asked for any reservation based on my caste here. I even have Gujjar written on my Fortuner. What is casteist about that?
Numair didn't want to correct him. Did it really matter? Would it undo things? He felt he should have been firm, but he was so helplessly in love that he blindly followed Zul in whatever he did.
Chester Bennington helped me get through that tough teenage period which knew of abuse and self-denial and hardly of love. Hearing someone acknowledge that, acknowledge the pain told me I was not alone.
The Supernova Project provides access to information that will ultimately raise awareness around domestic abuse faced specifically by LGBTQIA+ individuals.
As feminism is the source of material creation and the Atman (the consciousness) needs the wild-nature to become Jiva-Atma(the life-force), these festivals are also about respecting and celebrating the wild-nature, materialism, feminism and motherhood
A collection of Chennai-based collectives and NGOs working on gender and sexuality, in partnership with Goethe-Institut Chennai | Max Mueller Bhavan, brings you Reel Desires: Chennai International Queer Film Festival (CIQFF) from July 28 to 30, 2017.
TMOUH is primarily a story of margins and marginalized; the ones who are ‘misfit’ for the soceity, the dunya as Anjum rightly called it, where hegemonic majoritarian politics make identities like being Queer, Woman, Dalit, Adivasi, Muslim, Kashmiri, Drug Addict, Syrian Christian, Poor and Uneducated the easy target of unbridled and insatiable hatred.
When you "do it" with someone whom you are emotionally connected to, where there is a deep feeling of "you are mine and I am yours", your inhibitions run away. Every kiss, every touch, and caress gives you a feeling of being explored by someone who is going to love you, beyond the bed