
'तथाकथित से संवैधानिक तक' | तस्वीर: अमन अल्ताफ | सौजन्य: क्यूग्राफी |

संपादकीय: ‘तथाकथित’ से ‘संवैधानिक’ तक: व्यक्तिगतता की जीत ने जगाई लैंगिकता अल्पसंख्यकों में आशा की किरण

“निजिता या व्यक्तिगतता एक आतंरिक और मूलभूत अधिकार है”। भारतीय उच्चतम न्यायलय के ९ न्यायाधीशों के संविधान पीठ ने आज २४ अगस्त २०१७ को यह ऐतिहासिक फैसला दिया। संवि... Read More...

Fem for Fem

There are many Mascs who date Fem guys, but how many Fems date another Fem? Mostly they just end up wanting to be "sisters" or "friends".

Bad Hijras vs Good Trans and the Delusional Trans Utopia

Creating hierarchies of minorities within minorities is not helpful. We have to fight that fight together, not play the game of competing marginalities and disavowals of who we are historically and psychically based on fantasies of our own radicalism and supposed freedom to be who we are.

Dating out of Loneliness

It is still worth to wait by yourself until you find someone like that, than to sell yourself less, to settle for something temporary.