पापा को कैंसर था। उनके बाद गुज़रा हुआ वक़्त, अब उनके साथ गुज़ारे हुए वक़्त से ज़्यादा हो गया है। वो क्या थे? वो कैसे बात करते थे? मैं कुछ पक्के तौर पर नहीं कह सकत... Read More...
Dipankar Sarkar is the father of two daughters. When his elder daughter came out to him as a lesbian at the age of 17, he says he did not have any problem acce... Read More...
A lot of children of alternative sexuality and gender identity are raped by their fathers, uncles, brothers, cousins so as to be ‘cured’. Where do we place these fathers? What respect do they deserve?
The trailer doesn't reveal much, and the promotions are also mostly silent on whether there is a homosexual sub-plot. Yet, after watching the trailer, you can't help but feel that this is a coming out story of a gay father