जी!! बचपन की बात है जब मैं क्लास 4th या 5th में था, तो मै अपने नाना के साथ रहता था| नाना एक टीचर थे और रूम लेकर रहते थे|
वँहा हमारे पास टीवी नही थी, तो अक्सर म... Read More...
Why is this to me , why only me?
I don't understand why should I suffer from this, I can't understand. Am I the only one who is suffering from this? I can't ... Read More...
Whenever I would get to know about his presence, I would hide myself. I lived in many cities, away from my village, but was always insecure. I lost my confidence and became fragile.
Most of us live our lives saying that I am like this, because it's my nature. May be it could have been something that happened in your childhood that is still stopping you from living the romance you want to.
How Revealing was started to create a safe non-judgemental online space for people to share their experiences of sexism, sexual assault and abuse irrespective of their age, gender etc.
I was sexually abused when I was four by a few extended family members, by a teacher when I was 12 and raped by eight men when I was 13. I chose to be open irrespective of what I endured and my past experiences are not going to force me back into the closet