उभयलिंगीपन पहचानों के एक वर्णक्रम (स्पेक्ट्रम) को समाहित करता है, जहाँ व्यक्ति एक से अधिक लिंग के प्रति आकर्षित होते हैं। यह आकर्षण भावनात्मक, रोमांटिक और/या यौन हो सकता है
This was one of its kind queer pride festival organized to highlight the invisible or sometimes most dismissed section of queer community i.e., the Bi/Pan and Multiple Sexuality spectrum community.
जब किसी ऐसे शख़्स के बारे में कोई ड्रामे बनाया जाए जिसने किसी दूसरे मर्द से मुहब्बत करने का ख़ुद अपनी आपबीती में ज़िक्र किया हो और उस ड्रामें में उसकी इस मुहब्बत को नकारा जाए तो साफ़ ज़ाहिर होता है कि बनानेवाले का इरादा जान-बूझकर उसकी इस फ़ितरत को छुपाने का है
It's an irony that Malik Kafur's character was portrayed as a joke. It's a historical fact that Alauddin Khilji and Malik Kafur had a deep emotional bond for one another.
Slut-shaming bisexual people is a real phenomenon and occurs at a large scale. It is simply assumed that since the members of the bi community can get sexually attracted to both men and women, they’re naturally the ‘whores’ of the group, inherently polyamorous with a threesome being their ultimate sexual fantasy
If being gay is a way of attracting attention according to you, either you are jealous of the attention, or are sad that gayness works better than your attempt at being the ‘beloved witch’. My condolences.
There are degrees of bisexuality - we are not half-gay or half straight. Degrees can vary from lusting after the same-sex while being emotionally involved with the opposite sex or vice versa, to lusting and being emotionally involved after the same and the opposite sex
I am a bisexual person. And it took me more than enough time to come to terms with it. When I first realised that my liking for women has been sexual, I went in denial.