I got to present this painting at the Kinkpin presents Queer Carnival Delhi, which was organised by Gaylaxy Magazine. Ever since that day I’ve been considering and planning to go about making more such paintings
Despite this onslaught of high-voltage atrocity and the continual thumping of nationalist chests, complaints have poured in that by talking about the various kinds of hate, crimes and oppressions – one is derailing pride and a fight for queer issues
Gaylaxy held a Tweetchat with gay activist Nitin Karani, bisexual activist Sonal Giani and film maker/actor/activist Nakshatra Bagwe on Coming Out on September 25th.
It is Agniva's relentless and constant engagement with the activist world that was inspiring. She worked for transgender and genderqueer sex work rights, and thus also engaged with the sex workers movement.
Although there are some bigots and homophobic people who make life hard for homosexuals, it is good to know that we are moving forward in several other ways. Wi... Read More...
The mood that Krishna evokes with this feminine adornment is one of love and affection and play, a breakaway from the rigidity of those who control and comment on society today.
We have to address the binary construction of dominant heterosexuality with all its institutions and the ways it has inscribed itself in our psyches. There is a bigger Law at play and that is the law of the psyche.
Most companies verbally agree that there should not be any sort of discrimination against LGBT+ employees. There are a few companies that support and provide a safe working condition to their LGBT+ employees, in spite of Section 377 in the books.