Bullying is harmful and we need to stop brushing it under the rug. Bullied, assaulted, abused, I saw no way out, self harm and suicide attempts followed.
Being an Indian man of colour wearing a turban, I faced, and still do, a lot or racism and stereotypes within the gay community. I would also get asked questions like “Can Sikhs be gay?” or “Are you allowed to be gay?”
My mom always wanted a girl as she already had a boy 5 years ago. But she did not know I will be somewhat like that. I remember seeing girls playing with Barbi... Read More...
I wasn’t tortured physically for who I am. However, my soul has been tortured by the people around me including myself. Hence, I say, miles to go before we celebrate our individualities in Kashmir.
Why is this to me , why only me?
I don't understand why should I suffer from this, I can't understand. Am I the only one who is suffering from this? I can't ... Read More...