I’ve always been one of those people who judged others who hate on Valentine’s Day. Perhaps it was because I’ve never been single on that specific day though – at least until a couple of years ago when I realized that I had to spend the Valentine’s Day without a date. However, that didn’t make me feel under the weather, as I realized that Valentine’s Day is all about love, and love that you have towards yourself and other people matters as well, doesn’t it? So yes, I embraced my singleness and did something for myself, and I have to tell you something – it was probably the best Valentine’s Day of my life. So, friends, if you’re queer and single this year, don’t pout – nothing’s lost and it’s not the end of the world. On the contrary, you get to do so many amazing activities by yourself or with friends or family.
All singles’ party
So, those couple of years ago I had a terrific idea in mind – to organize a party that was exclusively for all my single friends, and their single friends. Yes, it might cost you a bit too much money as you have to organize everything – from the venue to the drinks and food, but if your budget is big enough, you can always opt for this step (you can always use the Halloween party throwing essentials and just change the theme a bit). Not only will you get the chance to meet someone new and single (there’ll be no question if they have someone or not), but you also get to celebrate the fact that you’re single with everyone who feels the same as you do. Single and ready to mingle, yes?
Trying something new

Another great idea to spend your VD by yourself is to immerse into either new activities that you’ve always wanted to try or the ones that you love but rarely get the chance to do. This year I’m also single for Valentine’s Day, but that won’t stop me from experiencing dirt biking, a new-found passion of mine. It’s such an amazing activity that makes me forget all my problems, so the only things I need to do is make sure I have all the dirt bike accessories and not think about what day it is. If there’s any activity that you enjoy or you would like to try, this is your chance. Show the love you have for yourself (and you should always love yourself more than anyone else), and give yourself the gift of doing whatever you like.
Binge watching
Even though this is a great activity for any day, regardless of what holiday it is, you can spice it up a notch and binge-watch any TV show that you want. If you want some gay luvin’, HBO’s Looking might be a perfect choice. However, if you think that the gay couples in the TV show will make you feel more depressed because you’re single, make sure to binge-watch something gay but still quite vivacious, such as Glee or even Will and Grace. Laugh a bit, dance and sing while binge-watching – that’s always a great idea.
Have a one-night stand
Yes, you read that right. Fight off any Valentine’s Day blues by going on Grindr or going out to your favorite gay club and find someone to spend a sexy night with. Valentine’s Day is not only supposed to be romantic, but sexy as well, and by doing this you will tick one of those. However, there are plenty of gays who do not feel quite comfortable doing this thing, so if you’re one of them, make sure to choose another way to spend the most romantic night of the year.
Travel by yourself
Finally, I will share the option that I chose those couple of years ago. I took some days off work, booked myself a ticket to Sydney and decided to spend a couple of days there, and let me tell you – the best decision I’ve made in my entire life. Travelling by yourself is always a great activity, especially if you’re never bored. Sightseeing, meeting new people, visiting new restaurants by yourself is something that no one can take away from you. This means that going online now and finding a cheap ticket to a cool destination is highly recommended!
Valentine’s Day is not supposed to make you feel depressed or sad. If you have no one, so what? Who is to say that this is the day when you are simply SUPPOSED to have someone? We’re not in the 20th century, so showing the love you have for yourself, or deciding to spend the day with your friends or family members that you love also counts. So, there you go. What are you up to?
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