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Queer Voices

Problems With Indian Gay Culture Not An Excuse to Get Married – A Response to “Why Indian Gay Men Get Married to a Woman”

By Anonymous

April 17, 2018

Support system :

We are in the shadow and we have no one whom we can complain to if things get messy … [in straight relationships] you have the safety of your family, your friends … But not so in case of gay men.

Meaning to life :

Two men, who are committed, end up living a mundane life. There is nothing more than each other’s company … They don’t have weddings to attend to, they don’t have family dinners they are invited to … But, with [straight] marriage, you play the game of the society and feel that your life has a meaning.

Men are too easy to have sex with :

With men, you need just the app. If you are lucky, they give you the place, the time and a hassle free session.
To get a girl to say yes to sex is a huge deal, at least in India. You need to invest a lot of time for it … She takes up your time, your attention to an extent in return for even basic sexual favours.
