Suchandra Das, a professional photographer from Kolkata has started a campaign #BringTheChange, which tries to create awareness about Domestic violence, using a video.
Anurag, a young transgender woman, and her friends were travelling in a metro in Kolkata during Durga Puja celebrations, when insults were hurled at them by a group of boys in the metro. When they got out of the metro, a confrontation ensued, and Anurag and her friends were physically assaulted. They went to the police, but all in vain.
The Indian censor board found the lesbian love and sex scenes too hot for the Indian audience, and was concerned about the "unnatural passions" that the movie might ignite.
Picture source: Action Aid
Nepal has been occupying the news headlines for the last few months, either due to the devastating earthquake that killed more than... Read More...
In a society where it is a taboo to love whom you want to & anything different is suppressed, this mash up of "Summer's Gonna Hurt" is a rebellious mix of freedom & liberty.
The frenelum is a pleasure point so naughty, it would make him go bonkers when you nibble or tickle it. Call it a pleasure trigger spot or whatever; a tease of it makes the body release earth shaking sexual tensions all over