
hands pills

Short Story: The Blue Pills

In the restroom, he looked at himself in the mirror and felt a stab of pity. "How will I fake through this my entire life," he thought panic-stricken.
feminine man

Homophobia Vs Femphobia

While Homophobia is a fear of the sexual preference of the person, Femphobia is about the fear based on a person's appearance or behavior.
shame, man

Are You Faking it?

Inter- and intra-community dialogue and team building activity can be considered to enhance communication and supportive relationship in the LGBTQ community.

Leaving the Closet Behind

Coming out is difficult for the confessing party as well as the party it is being confessed to and we get to see myriad of reactions.

Why Closeted Gay Men Choose to be Single

Although closeted men are comparatively comfortable being in the closet, relationship with a closeted guy isn't easy. Hence, most of them end up staying single, or with "friends" whom they meet occasionally for sex.