The five that we can not abide by
Not one of them mentions
Queer existence.
They say I cannot be a Queer Sikh
As if ...
It was December 2013 when we - Friends of Linger - first took stage with the only original song we had - Head Held High. This was a poem I wrote months earlier ... Read More...
“Bastard! You ass hole you have stolen the guy I was dating,” she yelled at me while I was talking to Srinath at my office canteen. All the people were staring ... Read More...
I can finally bring my whole self to work, and I feel I belong, which is the most motivation one can ask for. I have been able to start a discussion at my workplace about LGBT issues.
Living in a predominantly male society, it is always difficult to take decisions that are directed towards sexuality. Children have to ask father, wives have to... Read More...
Trolling and hate comments on the internet are a real (and big problem). Minorities, especially LGBT people, are often at the receiving end of such trollings. ... Read More...
Love, Simon is a wholesome high school rom-com, with a gay protagonist. It is a sensitive film that teaches love, friendship, and acceptance in its purest form.
I say one can be LGBT+ and reconcile it with faith, it is a story they do not want to hear because it provides a positive role model story and goes against the narrative they have chosen to portray repeatedly.