No matter howaccepting societybecomes it’s hard being aQueer,You feel you’re not part oflike you don’t belonghere.
Queers and gays are notsexual deviants,No, we’re not missing anyingredients.
Being Queer is not evilor a curse,It’s not something wepractice or rehearsed.
It’s not a sin, wrong,weird or strange,It’s not a phase orsomething we canchange.
No one should have tohide who they truly are,We are not retarded noneed to lower the bar.
We all have our innerdemon and things we fear,Gay-bashing onlyhappens if you’re a Queer.
We should be allowed tolove who we love,Two people same genderdon’t make a federal caseof.
From day one all wehear is that we have aflaw,It’s like always getting theshort end of the straw.
Most of us choose not towear a mask,Why you choose to beQueer the question theyask.
We hear a lot of wewon’t ask you don’t tell,They pray for us wereheaded straight for hell.
After all we are part ofthe human race,Your opinion shows allover your face.